Blogger 3: I found this article really interesting, because it is very prevalent in society and teenagers today. Most teenagers, myself included, get an average of 5 to 7 hours of sleep each night. Although this is enough to get us through the day, there has been research indicating that adolescents need between 8.5 and 9.5 hours of sleep to function well. One way to give students the opportunity to sleep longer is by changing to start time of school, and just one extra hour of sleep can make such a huge difference in the performance of students during school and at after school activities. I know that personally I would benefit greatly if the time was changed. During midterm week when I get that extra 45 minutes of sleep I feel so much better (and happier) when I wake up. Not only does this extra sleeping time allow me to start my day on a good note, but it would also allow me to not freak out if I stay up later than usual to finish a project, write a paper or study for a test. Do you think an extra hour of sleep could help benefit students in their daily school/ activities? Or would rather have that extra hour after school to do your homework and study? Is there a way that we could get students to go to bed earlier to gain that extra hour of sleep instead of going into school an hour later? Do you think the view on this topic depends on whether you are a “morning” or “night” person?
and Mariel’s is Blogger 4.